My Story

Welcome to the transformative journey of self-discovery,  healing, and balance with Dr. Brittany Turner, a compassionate and dedicated psychotherapy provider committed to empowering individuals to navigate life's challenges with resilience and insight.

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Education & Credentials

Brittany Turner, LCSW, DSW is a psychotherapy provider that is licensed in Michigan, Florida, North Carolina, and Texas. She graduated from The University of Olivet (formerly Olivet College) in 2015 with a degree in psychology. She then received her master’s degree in clinical social work in 2016 from the University of Southern Carolina and her doctorate in social work from Capella University in 2022.


Dr. Turner believes in the inherent strength of every individual and is passionate about fostering a safe, non-judgmental space for clients to explore their thoughts and emotions. Her approach is integrative, drawing on evidence-based practices to tailor therapy to each client's unique needs, fostering a holistic understanding of mental health.

In the pursuit of holistic well-being, our therapeutic journey towards balance encompasses a multifaceted approach, guided by a set of intentional and personalized goals. Together, we will work collaboratively to foster equilibrium in various dimensions of your life, promoting mental, emotional, and physical harmony.

Mindful Self-Awareness: Cultivating a deeper understanding of oneself is a foundational goal. Through mindfulness practices, we will explore and heighten your awareness of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This self-awareness serves as a compass, guiding you towards conscious choices and facilitating a more balanced mental landscape.

Emotional Resilience: Building emotional resilience is essential for navigating life's challenges. Our therapeutic work will focus on developing coping strategies, enhancing emotional intelligence, and fostering the ability to adapt in the face of adversity. Together, we will empower you to respond to emotions in a constructive and balanced manner.

Healthy Relationships: Achieving balance extends to the realm of relationships. Whether it be with family, friends, or partners, our goals include improving communication, setting boundaries, and fostering connections that contribute positively to your overall well-being. Nurturing healthy relationships is a cornerstone of a balanced and fulfilling life.

Work-Life Harmony: Balancing professional and personal responsibilities is a common challenge. Our therapeutic objectives will involve exploring time-management skills, setting realistic goals, and establishing boundaries between work and personal life. Striving for a harmonious integration of these facets enhances overall life satisfaction.

Physical Wellness: Physical health is integral to balance. We'll work towards establishing and maintaining healthy habits, including regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and sufficient sleep. Prioritizing physical wellness contributes not only to bodily health but also positively impacts mental and emotional equilibrium.

Cultivating Joy and Passion: Rediscovering joy and passion is vital for balance. Together, we'll explore activities and interests that bring fulfillment and happiness. By integrating these elements into your life, we aim to create a more well-rounded and satisfying existence.

Time Management and Boundaries: Setting realistic priorities and boundaries is crucial for maintaining balance. Our therapeutic goals include developing effective time-management skills, learning to say no when necessary, and establishing boundaries that safeguard your well-being.

Clinical Experience

With close to a decade of experience, Dr. Turner has worked with diverse populations, addressing concerns such as anxiety, depression, co-occurring disorders, comorbidities, trauma, relationship issues,  personal growth, personality disorders, and psychosis. Her empathetic and collaborative style helps clients feel heard and understood, fostering a therapeutic alliance essential for healing and growth. 


Dr. Turner specializes in a range of mental health areas, including stress management, self-esteem building, life transitions, and coping strategies. Her expertise extends to working with individuals facing trauma, utilizing trauma-informed approaches to promote healing and resilience.

Advocacy & Outreach 

Beyond her clinical practice, Dr. Turner is actively involved in mental health advocacy and community outreach. She conducts workshops, webinars, and public speaking engagements to raise awareness about mental health issues and reduce stigma. In addition, she engages in community service for marginalized persons.

Confidentiality & Trust

Dr. Turner prioritizes confidentiality and creates a space where clients feel secure to explore their innermost thoughts and emotions. Trust is the foundation of her therapeutic relationships, and she is dedicated to providing a judgment-free and supportive environment.

Continual Growth:

Committed to lifelong learning, Dr. Turner stays abreast of the latest advancements in psychotherapy and mental health research. She integrates innovative techniques into her practice, ensuring clients receive the most effective and up-to-date therapeutic interventions.

Embark on your journey towards self-discovery, healing,  personal growth , and balance with Dr. Brittany Turner. Together, you can navigate the complexities of life and unlock the tools needed for lasting positive change. 

3 John 1:2

My Mission

Balanced behavior refers to actions, decisions, and responses that demonstrate a harmonious and well-adjusted approach in various aspects of life. It involves maintaining a sense of equilibrium, moderation, and thoughtful consideration in one's conduct. Balanced behavior typically reflects an individual's ability to navigate and manage different situations without excessive reactions or extremes.In interpersonal relationships, balanced behavior might involve effective communication, empathy, and compromise. In professional settings, it could entail a combination of assertiveness, collaboration, and adaptability. Emotionally balanced behavior is often associated with the ability to manage stress, handle challenges, and maintain a stable emotional state. 

Overall, balanced behavior implies a holistic and measured approach to life, where individuals strive to find a middle ground, avoiding extremes and adapting appropriately to diverse circumstances. Each person requires a different therapeutic approach. Dr. Turner assures that she will employ an eclectic approach. These approaches include Gestalt Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Solution Focused Therapy, Crisis Intervention, as well as person centered and strengths-based perspectives. These approaches, amongst many others, are essential to gaining an in-depth understanding of self, thoughts, feelings, and how those impact your behavior.

I am here for you.

In this therapeutic journey, I want to assure you that your well-being is at the heart of our work together. Your courage in seeking support and embarking on this path of self-discovery is truly commendable.

In our sessions, my commitment is to provide a safe and non-judgmental space where you can freely explore your thoughts and emotions. Your unique experiences, challenges, and triumphs will be met with empathy, understanding, and unwavering support.

You are not alone on this journey. I am here to walk alongside you, offering guidance, encouragement, and a listening ear. Together, we will navigate the complexities of life, foster resilience, and uncover the tools that empower you to create positive change.

Your voice matters, and your healing is a collaborative process. Your strengths are acknowledged, and your vulnerabilities are met with compassion. As we work together, my goal is to empower you to discover your inherent capacity for growth, self-compassion, and transformation.

Remember, progress is unique to each individual, and your journey is honored at every step. I am here to support you in your pursuit of balance, resilience, and well-being.

Thank you for entrusting me with the privilege of being a part of your healing journey. Together, we can create a path towards a brighter and more fulfilling future.

Reach out to me today!

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